Smart Contracts
A look under the hood
The Cadmos InvestmentPool is composed of one core smart contract:
InvestmentPoolCore: which is the main contract of the Cadmos Investment Pool solution. It contains all the logic relative to the Investment Pool Liability Management.
as well as of six satellites:
InflowPool: which is used to pool investor deposits while waiting for the next Batch-Settlement.
OutflowPool: which is used to pool investor withdrawals while waiting for the next Batch-Settlement.
SimpleAdministrator: an Investment Pool Administration contract which includes an Administrator right restriction system.
Distributor: which is used to store and distribute rewards to the Investment Pool tokenholders.
RewardManager: which handles the logic of reward computation and payment.
Whitelist: which is used to store a list of whitelisted agents.
Global protocol variables are defined within the ProtocolRegistry.
--> InvestmentPool Deployment is handled via the InvestmentPoolFactory smart contract.
Hint: Take a look at our Github repo.
The InvestmentPool is designed to be highly modulable and functionalities such as oracle-based NAV evaluation or trustless strategies may be incorporated by setting up Investment Pool Administration or the Treasury as purpose-built smart contracts.
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