Distributions and Payments

The Assets into the Pool Smart Contract can be managed from the appropriate panel in the Pool Dashboard.

From here you can:

Transfer Assets to the Pool Treasury

Transfers Assets to the Pool Treasury for management by the Strategist.

Note: Cannot be called while the Pool is in liquidation.

Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_TRANSFER_TREASURY privilege.

Distribute Assets to Token Holders.

Does a Snapshot and disburses the chosen amount to the Distributor smart contract.

Token holders will then be able to claim their reward pro rata their pool holdings at the time the snapshot was made.

Note: Cannot be cancelled/reversed.

Note: Token holders unable to claim their rewards from the Distributor smart contract will lose them. Pay special attention to tokens locked in e.g. liquidity pools.

Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_DISTRIBUTE_ASSET privilege.

Make a Payment

Make an arbitrary payment out of the Pool coffins. Typically used to settle e.g. an invoice.

Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_ASSET_PAYMENT privilege.

Last updated