Pool Front-End

The Pool Front-End may be configured by clicking on the 'modify Pool front-end' button in the Pool list

The Investment Pool front-end configuration page

The Pool front-end configuration menu is made out of four parts:

  • A - Investment Pool: This is the main panel, which contains most of the data displayed to the investment portal users.

  • B - Underlyings: From here you can add data on the Pool underlyings.

  • C - Protocols: From here you can add data on the protocols the Pool is exposed to.

  • D - Treasuries: From here you add treasury addresses to be displayed on the Pool front-end.

Focusing on A, the form is made out of 13 elements:

  1. Pool Name: Sets the Pool Name on the front-end, by default identical to the token name. Note that although the Pool Name can be changed on the front-end, the token name is immutable.

  2. The Pool Launch Date: Configure the official Pool launch date which appears on the front-end. By default equal to the smart contract creation date.

  3. The Pool Token: Address of the Pool smart contract. Should only be modified if you skipped phase I.

  4. Chain: The Blockchain the Pool is deployed on.

  5. Running Yield: Display a Running Yield figure. Tick or untick the box for the figure to be shown or not.

  6. Risk Level: Select a risk level for the Pool (1 to 7). Choice of the Risk level must be made following a holistic evaluation. By means of reference here is a summary guideline for traditional investment funds.

  7. Administrator: Select the Company, which will be highlighted as Administrator on the Pool front-end. The selected company will need to verify this attribution via a verification link for the Pool to be displayed on the front-end.

  8. Strategist: Select the Company, which will be highlighted as Strategist on the Pool front-end. The selected company will need to verify this attribution via a verification link for the Pool to be displayed on the front-end.

  9. Type: Select the category to which the Pool belongs: e.g. long-short, real assets ....

  10. Key Benefits: Highlight the top benefits of investing into this particular Pool.

  11. Objectives: The Pool Investment Objectives.

  12. How it works: Describe the Investment methodology and how the Strategist works behind the scenes.

  13. Edit Pool: Confirms the Pool front-end modifications.

Last updated