Administrator Privileges
The configuration of administrator privileges may be accessed from the dedicated panel in the pool management navigation bar.
From here you can:
1 - Check your current privileges
Administrator Privileges can be of two types:
Normal Privileges, displayed in the bottom left panel, which can be renounced
Critical Privileges, displayed in the bottom right panel, which can be transfered but not renounced.
Each privilege is identified by a unique number, or flag, which is a power of 2 so that ach Administrator rights can be summed up in a single number, displayed above.
2 - Accept a privilege right transfer
Privilege transfers are done in two steps for security reasons, first the transferor inputs the right to transfer and the transferee address, then the transferee must confirm by inputting the transferor address. This button is used to accept a privilege transfer from a transferor.
3 - Renounce privileges
You can renounce privileges by selecting them in the bottom left panel and clicking on 'Renounce Admin Right'. Note that Critical Admin Rights cannot be renounced.
4 - Give privileges
You can give privilege to another address by selecting them in the bottom panels, inputting the address and clicking on 'Give Admin Right'.
Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_DELEGATOR privilege.
5 - Restrict privileges
You can restrict the privileges of another address by selecting them in the bottom left panels inputting the address and clicking on 'Restrict Admin Right'.
Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_RESTRICTOR privilege.
6 - Transfer Admin Rights
You can transfer your privileges of another address by inputting the address and clicking on 'Transfer Admin Right'.
Note that privilege transfers are done in two steps for security reasons, first the transferor inputs the right to transfer and the transferee address, then the transferee must confirm by inputting the transferor address. The transfer will only be effective once confirmed by the transferee.
Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_DELEGATOR privilege.
7 - Restrict Critical privileges
You can restrict the critical privileges of another address by selecting them in the bottom right panels, inputting both the address to restrict and another address which still holds the right and clicking on 'Restrict Admin Right'.
Note: Critical Privilege can only be restricted if you prove that another address has the privileges you are restricting. This ensures that each critical right is always at least held by one address.
Note: Caller needs to be cleared for the FLAG_RESTRICTOR privilege.
Last updated